There’s no doubt that the Muse can speak to us through others. But what makes your work original is knowing which influences to use and which to tune out. It’s an interesting life these days: TV (yay!), internet, IPhones, US Weekly (double yay!), check your email, check your texts, voicemail, multi-tasking (boo!), news, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, “Like”, “Unlike”, post, delete, upload, download . . . . .repeat! This constant snowstorm of information clouds my brain. I wake up in the middle of the night wondering about my inbox (I know, it’s totally obsessive!) Where does it end?! Is there an end?
In the middle if this madness, where does our Muse get a chance to speak to us? Can our inspiration sing if its voice is drowned out by all of these digital voices and influences? I mean, it’s great, this new communication, but every blessing brings its own kind of curse! How do we manage this flood without drowning in it? I guess an awareness of the problem is the first step. One thing that I have learned is that the Muse sings to us. . . . . . quietly. As artists, we need to carve out moments to unplug. With one eye on the Kardashians, the other eye on an ipad, and both ears divided between a husband, baby, and itunes, how can the voice of inspiration be heard?!
Finding our Muse doesn’t have to mean ignoring our families or not listening to husbands or embracing complete solitude. But one thing we can do is minimize the clamor just a little bit. I encourage everyone looking for inspiration to cut the wire. If we are constantly looking for inspiration from other sources (online, from TV, from music) it’s almost as if we become a kind of collector. Sewing together ideas we have processed without reflection. By doing this, we miss out on the totally unique ways we create by looking both inward and outward to the things that define our lives. I encourage directness! Engage with your world directly, without screens and speakers, at least a portion of the day and the quiet inspiration of our personal Muse will be heard with clarity.